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Free forever up until you reach the Fair Source 25 (v0.9). license agreement limit. Checkout our Pricing Level slider below to calculate usage limits (active users, requests per day, requests per mounth) with expected costs per month.

isTrav Subvind verified_usersubscribe


Level: 2

At this pricing level subscribers may keep unlimited records, store 100 GB of data, and make 3,000,000 API requests per month; all of which will cost the owner $250 per month.

Start a Trial:
Test every feature in subvind free forever. Some usage limits apply.

Start Your Trial
No credit card required.
Grab a Demo:
For a one-on-one walk-through of subvind with an in-house expert please contact us.

Goto Demo

  • check Unlimited accounts
  • check Unlimited products
  • check Unlimited inventory
  • check Unlimited orders
  • check SSL encryption for security
  • check 3rd Party Integrations
  • check Headless API
  • check Bolt-on Modules
  • check Micro Software as a Service
  • check Monolithic Back-End
  • check White Labeled
  • check Fully Customizable


Features included in all
paid pricing levels.

Headless API:

Our Headless API is a game-changer for businesses seeking ultimate flexibility and scalability in their digital operations. By decoupling the front-end from the back-end, it allows you to design, customize, and roll out user interfaces independently, providing the agility needed to stay ahead in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape. Whether you're building a web application, mobile app, or integrating with various touchpoints, our Headless API empowers you to create seamless and tailored user experiences with ease.

Bolt-on Modules:

Unlock the potential of your digital ecosystem with our Bolt-on Modules. These modular extensions seamlessly integrate into your existing infrastructure, providing specialized functionality to meet specific business needs. No more one-size-fits-all solutions. Whether you require advanced analytics, e-commerce capabilities, or CRM integration, our Bolt-on Modules allow you to enhance your platform's capabilities without the complexity of a full-scale overhaul.

Fully Customizable:

We understand that your business is unique, and your technology should reflect that. That's why we offer a fully customizable solution that empowers you to mold your digital environment to align perfectly with your brand and objectives. Whether it's the user interface, workflow automation, or data integrations, you have the freedom to adapt and evolve your platform as your business evolves, ensuring it remains a true reflection of your vision and goals. With full customization at your fingertips, you're in control of your digital destiny.


Detach from our UIs
and roll with your own.

In order to empower our users with greater control and flexibility, we've taken a significant step towards detaching from our user interface (UI) while keeping our backend seamlessly headless. This move allows our customers to roll with their own customized UI experiences, tailored precisely to their unique needs and preferences. By decoupling the UI from the backend, we've opened up a world of possibilities for innovation and personalization. For developers and businesses seeking to explore this newfound freedom, our Swagger documentation provides comprehensive insights into the APIs and functionalities that underpin our platform.


Frequently Asked

  • How is active users per hour calculated?
    We take the total users over a 24 hour period and divide that by 24 to receive an average number of users per hour.
  • How do you enforce usage limits?
    We don't shut down your website. We send a notification and give you 48 hours to fix your maximum pricing level with us. If you continue to go over that limit for another 48 hours then we start to throttle usage.
  • What is branding removal?
    We remove the "powered by subvind" branding from the bottom of each page.
  • What is an organization?
    A single website with one members list. It may have many modules assigned to it.
  • What is an module?
    A component that plugs in to your website via subdomain.
  • How are pricing levels configured?
    We allow users to set a maximim and a minimum level that they wish to be billed at.
  • When does billing occur?
    Once a month.
  • What is a pricing level?
    It enables branding removal. It allows a certain number of active users per hour and a certain number of views per day & views per month for an organization.
  • How many organizations does a pricing level support?
    Just one. If you want to subscribe multiple organizations then you will need to purchase multiple pricing levels with us.

Have any questions of your own? istrav.com/contact-me so I can help.

Custom Work:

Full Stack Developer
starting at $80/hour

The Official isTrav

isTrav Subvind
I am a hard worker. My favorite thing to see is how tech disrupts behavior. Especially in films like Dr. Who and Star Trek.

about me


For members ready to take their website to the next level:

As you reach the end of our pricing page, you might be wondering if this subscription is the right choice for your business. We want to assure you that it's not just a good deal; it's an investment in your success. Our unique pricing structure is designed to align our success with yours. We are free for startups. Plus, we only start to charge when there is a sugnificant amount of engagement in your organization, ensuring that your growth and profitability are at the heart of our partnership.

So, if you're ready to unlock unlimited potential, embrace customization, and explore a world of possibilities with our platform, take the leap and subscribe today. Your success is our success, and together, we'll reach new heights. Welcome to a brighter future with isTrav powered by subvind.


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